EF6 Disable Query Plan Caching with Command Tree Interceptor

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执笔经年 2021-02-18 14:28

I\'m using IDbCommandTreeInterceptor to implement soft-delete functionality. Inside standard TreeCreated method I check whether given query command con

  • 2021-02-18 14:39

    I know this question was asked some time ago, but since no post was marked as answer i share my recent experiences with that issue. As Dave correctly explained "It's important to distinguish between Query Plan Caching and Result Caching". Here the problem is Query Plan Caching, because

    A Query Cache is an optimized SQL instruction plan. These plans help make EF queries faster than "Cold" Queries. These Plans are cached beyond and particular context.

    So even if you create a new context, the problem remains, because the interceptor is not applied to "Query Plan cached" queries. My solution to this is very simple. Instead of relying only on the Interceptor, we can add a Where clause to the query in case of ShouldFetchSoftDeleted = true. With that EF uses another query and does not reuse the wrongly cached one. The interceptor now will be called but ShouldFetchSoftDeleted = true prevents your QueryVisitor to apply the IsDeleted filter.

    I'm using a Repository pattern, but I think the concept is clear.

    public override IQueryable<TEntity> Find<TEntity>()
       var query = GetRepository<TEntity>().Find();
       if (!ShouldFetchSoftDeleted)
         return query; // interceptor handles soft delete
       query = GetRepository<TEntity>().Find();
       return Where<IDeletedInfo, TEntity>(query, x => x.IsDeleted == false || x.IsDeleted);
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  • 2021-02-18 14:42

    It's important to distinguish between Query Plan Caching and Result Caching:

    Caching in the Entity Framework

    Query Plan Caching

    The first time a query is executed, it goes through the internal plan compiler to translate the conceptual query into the store command (e.g. the T-SQL which is executed when run against SQL Server). If query plan caching is enabled, the next time the query is executed the store command is retrieved directly from the query plan cache for execution, bypassing the plan compiler.

    The query plan cache is shared across ObjectContext instances within the same AppDomain. You don't need to hold onto an ObjectContext instance to benefit from query plan caching.

    A Query Cache is an optimized SQL instruction plan. These plans help make EF queries faster than "Cold" Queries. These Plans are cached beyond and particular context.

    Object caching:

    By default when an entity is returned in the results of a query, just before EF materializes it, the ObjectContext will check if an entity with the same key has already been loaded into its ObjectStateManager. If an entity with the same keys is already present EF will include it in the results of the query. Although EF will still issue the query against the database, this behavior can bypass much of the cost of materializing the entity multiple times.

    In other words, Object Caching is a soft form of Results Caching. No other kind 2nd Level Cache is available with Entity Framework unless you specifically include it. Second-Level Caching in the Entity Framework and Azure


    Returns a new query where the entities returned will not be cached in the DbContext or ObjectContext


    Or you can disable object caching for an entity using MergeOption NoTracking Option:

    Will not modify cache.

    context.Objects.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking; 
    var retrievedObj= context.Objects.Find(obj.Id);

    As opposed to the AppendOnly Option

    Will only append new (top level-unique) rows. This is the default behavior.

    this is the default behavior you have been struggling with

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  • 2021-02-18 14:53

    To update softdelete, you can override SaveChanges method, and to create filter, you can use dbContext.Query<T>() which will apply soft delete filter automatically using expression generator.

    To filter your soft delete column, you can implement following method, in your DbContext.

    public IQueryable<T> Query<T>(){
       var ds = this.Set<T>() as IQueryable<T>;
       var entityType = typeof(T);
            return ds;
       ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(entityType);
       Expression compare = Expression.Equals( 
              Expression.Property(pe, "SoftDeleted"),
       Expression<Func<T,bool>> filter = 
       return ds.Where(filter);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-18 14:54

    Are you sure that you problem happens in all queries? In your example you have used the Find(), what if you use ToList()? The problem doesn't happen, right?

    For testing purposes, try using Where method instead of Find(), I believe that you won't have problems...

    If the above theory is true, replace the Find() by Where inside a some kind of repository class. Then you don't need to change anything else in your code.

    For example, in your repository class:

    public YourClass Find(id)
        //do not use Find here 
        return context.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Id == id); //or Where(i => i.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();

    In your business logic:

    var user = repository.Find(id);

    The Find() method documentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.entity.dbset.find%28v=vs.113%29.aspx says:

    "...if an entity with the given primary key values exists in the context, then it is returned immediately without making a request to the store..."

    So, I believe that the problem is the Find(). Using a repository pattern, replacing Find by Where, is the easiest workaround that I can imagine right now. Or else, instead of replace, you can check if the softdelete is activated, and then choose your preferred method. What do you think about that?

    A more difficult approach is creating a class that inherits from DbSet and override the Find(), which will be too complicated.


    To help us see what is happening, create a console application and log the database operation, like this:

    using (var context = new BlogContext()) 
        context.Database.Log = Console.Write; 
        // Your code here... 
        // Call your query twice, with and without softdelete

    Paste the log, then we'll see for sure if the sql is incorrect or the data is being cached.

    EDIT 2

    Ok... instead of adding the interceptor in the constructor of the configuration class, add it in the constructor of the context, like this:

    //the dbcontext class      
     private IDbCommandTreeInterceptor softDeleteInterceptor;
     public DataContext()
           : base("YourConnection")
        //add the interceptor 
        softDeleteInterceptor = new SoftDeleteInterceptor()           

    Then, inside your context class, create a method that removes the interceptor, like this:

    public void DisableSoftDelete() 

    Call the method above when you want to disable the softdelete, context.DisableSoftDelete();

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