What is the maximum recursion depth in Python, and how to increase it?

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佛祖请我去吃肉 2020-11-21 04:14

I have this tail recursive function here:

def recursive_function(n, sum):
    if n < 1:
        return sum
        return recursive_function(n-1         

  • 2020-11-21 05:01

    If you often need to change the recursion limit (e.g. while solving programming puzzles) you can define a simple context manager like this:

    import sys
    class recursionlimit:
        def __init__(self, limit):
            self.limit = limit
            self.old_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
        def __enter__(self):
        def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):

    Then to call a function with a custom limit you can do:

    with recursionlimit(1500):
        print(fib(1000, 0))

    On exit from the body of the with statement the recursion limit will be restored to the default value.

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  • 2020-11-21 05:01

    Many recommend that increasing recursion limit is a good solution however it is not because there will be always limit. Instead use an iterative solution.

    def fib(n):
        a,b = 1,1
        for i in range(n-1):
            a,b = b,a+b
        return a
    print fib(5)
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  • 2020-11-21 05:01

    We can do that using @lru_cache decorator and setrecursionlimit() method:

    import sys
    from functools import lru_cache
    def fib(n: int) -> int:
        if n == 0:
            return 0
        if n == 1:
            return 1
        return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)




    functools lru_cache

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  • 2020-11-21 05:02

    It is a guard against a stack overflow, yes. Python (or rather, the CPython implementation) doesn't optimize tail recursion, and unbridled recursion causes stack overflows. You can check the recursion limit with sys.getrecursionlimit:

    import sys

    and change the recursion limit with sys.setrecursionlimit:


    but doing so is dangerous -- the standard limit is a little conservative, but Python stackframes can be quite big.

    Python isn't a functional language and tail recursion is not a particularly efficient technique. Rewriting the algorithm iteratively, if possible, is generally a better idea.

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  • 2020-11-21 05:02

    Of course Fibonacci numbers can be computed in O(n) by applying the Binet formula:

    from math import floor, sqrt
    def fib(n):                                                     
        return int(floor(((1+sqrt(5))**n-(1-sqrt(5))**n)/(2**n*sqrt(5))+0.5))

    As the commenters note it's not O(1) but O(n) because of 2**n. Also a difference is that you only get one value, while with recursion you get all values of Fibonacci(n) up to that value.

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  • 2020-11-21 05:04

    I realize this is an old question but for those reading, I would recommend against using recursion for problems such as this - lists are much faster and avoid recursion entirely. I would implement this as:

    def fibonacci(n):
        f = [0,1,1]
        for i in xrange(3,n):
            f.append(f[i-1] + f[i-2])
        return 'The %.0fth fibonacci number is: %.0f' % (n,f[-1])

    (Use n+1 in xrange if you start counting your fibonacci sequence from 0 instead of 1.)

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