More than one table found in namespace (, ) - SchemaExtractionException

后端 未结 10 2924
执念已碎 2021-02-20 18:52

I have been facing this weird exception while trying to persist some values into a table using Hibernate in a Java application. However this exception occurs only for one parti

  •  清歌不尽
    2021-02-20 19:09

    This will work:

    Check your database schema/s and your database user privileges;

    Hibernate update mechanism may fail with this exception if there is a another database schema/user with the same table name, and the db user has the sufficient privileges to view this table.

    So in your case, the table 'YYYYYYY' may be found in more than one database user/schema, and your db user has 'DBA' privileges.

    To solve this you can either find and delete the ambiguous table or remove the user's redundant privileges.
