Location of xsd for ant ivy lib “antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant” for IDE autocomplete with xsd?

后端 未结 6 2333
一向 2021-02-20 18:17

I want create Ivy Ant tasks in xml editor in IDE (Intellij iDEA) with autocomplete based on xsd , but I cannot find xsd for register XML namespace xmlns:ivy=\"antlib:org.apache.

  •  野性不改
    2021-02-20 19:03

    XML plugin for jEdit defines AntCompleteTask (ant task) that produces an xml file called ant-complete.xml. The resulting file looks as follows:


    The generated file may be downloaded as XML plugin archive. Open XML.jar and browse to xml/completion directory. It's syntax is defined in xml-completion-info.dtd.

    The task code does not contain an explicit license, but it's at least GPL. Anyway you probably don't need to distribute that task, only to use it and this doesn't require any license.

    I can't assess the usability of the resulting xml file, but jEdit uses it for autocompletion.
