Is it preferred to assign POST variable to an actual variable?

后端 未结 5 2240
半阙折子戏 2021-02-20 18:29

I\'ve just completed my registration form for my website and for the action page where all the SQL takes place I\'ve just skipped assigning the POST variable to actual ones, lik

  •  醉酒成梦
    2021-02-20 19:04

    I ran into the same question this very day and I came to conclusion that you should always check if the index exists in order to prevent an "Undefined index" error. If you use the POST data multiple times I would suggest assigning the result of your test to a new variable as you might modify the POST data:

    //at least PHP 7.0.0 required
    $foo = $_POST['foo'] ?? '';
    $bar = $_POST['bar'] ?? '';

    Which is aquivalent to:

    $foo = isset($_POST['foo']) ? $_POST['foo'] : '';
    $bar = isset($_POST['bar']) ? $_POST['bar'] : '';

    If you only use the POST data once one can skip assigning a new variable and just use $_POST['foo'] ?? '' as argument.

    This solution is based on this excellent answer. Further reading:
