Scala: Contains in mutable and immutable sets

前端 未结 2 2133
说谎 2021-02-20 17:42

I\'ve discovered a strange behavior for mutable sets which I cannot understand:

I have a object which I want to add to a set. The equals method for the class is overridd

  •  温柔的废话
    2021-02-20 18:30

    Rule 1 when implementing equals(): Implement hashCode() at the same time. See Overriding equals and hashCode in Java

    In the first example, you're creating a mutable set, which calls hashCode to set up the hash table.

    In the second, you're using an immutable set with one entry, so Scala actually uses an optimised version of Set called Set1. Set1.contains() just compares the one entry with the passed element using equals() directly. This looks like:

    /** An optimized representation for immutable sets of size 1 */
    class Set1[A] private[collection] (elem1: A) extends Set[A] with Serializable {
      override def size: Int = 1
      def contains(elem: A): Boolean = 
        elem == elem1
      def + (elem: A): Set[A] = 
        if (contains(elem)) this
        else new Set2(elem1, elem)
      def - (elem: A): Set[A] = 
        if (elem == elem1) Set.empty
        else this
      def iterator: Iterator[A] = 
      override def foreach[U](f: A =>  U): Unit = {

    No hashCode is called. There is also a Set2, Set3 and Set4.

    So if we change your code to be:

    class Test(val text:String){
      override def equals(obj:Any) = {
      println("equals=" + obj)
      obj match {
        case t: Test => if (t.text == this.text) true else false
        case _ => false
      override def hashCode(): Int = {
        println("hashCode=" + super.hashCode())
      override def toString = text
    val mutableSet:scala.collection.mutable.Set[Test] = scala.collection.mutable.Set.empty
    mutableSet += new Test("test")
    println("mutableSet=" + mutableSet + " contains=" + mutableSet.contains(new Test("test")))
    var immutableSet:scala.collection.immutable.Set[Test] = scala.collection.immutable.Set.empty
    immutableSet += new Test("test")
    println("immutableSet=" + immutableSet + " contains=" + immutableSet.contains(new Test("test")))

    adding a hashCode and a println in the equals, and the output is:

    mutableSet=Set(test) contains=false
    immutableSet=Set(test) contains=true

    which explains why the mutable.contains() isn't working correctly. It is looking up the object in the wrong hash table entry, equals() doesn't even get called. And, unsurprisingly, it doesn't find it.

    You can implement hashCode using text.hashCode:

    override def hashCode: Int = text.hashCode
