Custom dialog box in C#?

后端 未结 5 1953
执笔经年 2021-02-20 17:19

I have a button that when clicked, a dialog box opens up with various controls on it such as radio buttons and text boxes. If OK then the values in that dialog box is passed ba

  •  后悔当初
    2021-02-20 18:01

    1.) Create the form you were talking about with all of the neccessary UI elements. Also add an OK and Cancel button to it.

    2.) In the property pane for the OK and Cancel button, set the DialogResult values to OK and Cancel, respectively. Additionally, you can also set the Form's CancelButton property to be that of the Cancel button you've created.

    3.) Add additional properties to the dialog that correspond to the values you'd like to return.

    4.) To display the dialog, do something along the lines of

    using( MyDialog dialog = new MyDialog() )
       DialogResult result = dialog.ShowDialog();
       switch (result)
        // put in how you want the various results to be handled
        // if ok, then something like var x = dialog.MyX;
