Better to add item to a set, or convert final list to a set?

后端 未结 4 2009
北海茫月 2021-02-20 16:47

I have some data that looks something like this:

ID1 ID2 ID3  
ID1 ID4 ID5  
ID3 ID5 ID7 ID6  

where each row is a group.


  •  忘掉有多难
    2021-02-20 17:29

    TL;DR: Go with option 2. Just use sets from the start.

    In Python, sets are hash-sets, and lists are dynamic arrays. Inserting is O(1) for both, but checking if an element exists is O(n) for the list and O(1) for the set.

    So option 1 is immediately out. If you are inserting n items and need to check the list every time, then the overall complexity becomes O(n^2).

    Options 2 and 3 are both optimal at O(n) overall. Option 2 might be faster in micro-benchnarks because you don't need to move objects between collections. In practice, choose the option that is easier to read and maintain in your specific circumstance.
