How do I import a Groovy class into a Jenkinfile?

后端 未结 1 1300
面向向阳花 2021-02-20 16:22

How do I import a Groovy class within a Jenkinsfile? I\'ve tried several approaches but none have worked.

This is the class I want to import:


  •  日久生厌
    2021-02-20 16:54

    You can return a new instance of the class via the load command and use the object to call "doStuff"

    So, you would have this in "Thing.groovy"

    class Thing {
       def doStuff() { return "HI" }
    return new Thing();

    And you would have this in your dsl script:

    node {
       def thing = load 'Thing.groovy'
       echo thing.doStuff()

    Which should print "HI" to the console output.

    Would this satisfy your requirements?

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