Fast pseudorandom number generator for cryptography in C

前端 未结 4 2779
傲寒 2021-02-20 16:35

I was using the following code to generate sequence of pseudo-random numbers that was used for cryptographic purposes, but then I read somewhere that it may not be very secure.

  •  無奈伤痛
    2021-02-20 16:43

    ISAAC ( is probably one of the fastest cryptographically secure PRNGs (code at site). Another approach is to use a block cipher in counter mode. Something like TwoFish, which is reasonably fast and freely available, would be effective.

    If you don't need a lot of numbers, all modern operating systems have built-in RNGs suitable for cryptographic use, though they typically can't produce lots of numbers because they rely on accumulating entropy from sources like input timings. Unix-like systems (Linux, OSX) have /dev/random, Windows has CryptGenRandom. Even if these aren't suitable for your needs, you probably should use them to seed the PRNG you do end up using.
