AWS autoscale ELB status checks grace period

前端 未结 3 1914
遥遥无期 2021-02-20 15:34

I\'m running servers in a AWS auto scale group. The running servers are behind a load balancer. I\'m using the ELB to mange the auto scaling groups healthchecks. When servers ar

  •  一向
    一向 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 16:19

    1. If you closely monitor your cloudformation stack events, you will get success signal that your ASG got updated.
    2. The time difference between ASG started updating and ASG received success signal is the health check grace period.
    3. This health check grace period is always recommended to have double than the application startup time. Suppose, your application takes 10 min to start, you should put health check grace period for 20 min.
    4. The reason is you never know your application might throw some kind of error and go for several retry.
