Get multiple ng-template ref values using contentChildren in angular 5

前端 未结 5 2467
孤城傲影 2021-02-20 15:11

I am trying to pass multiple ng-template to my reusable component (my-table component), content projection. Now I need to get the reference value of ea

  •  暗喜
    暗喜 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 16:00

    I have built a table component in my library Easy Angular

    Each column can take a template via a ViewChild

    template: TemplateRef;

    The table uses ContentChildren to get the columns

    columns: QueryList;

    and the table component passes the current item in with a context when rendering


    and is used like

          Use item view variable in template here

    Here is a demo of how it works

    There is quite a bit to this table but all the source is up on GitHub.
