'Bad Gateway' error when loading aspnetcore RC2 default website project

前端 未结 2 1188
情书的邮戳 2021-02-20 14:27

I am attempting to run the default ASP.NET Core Web Application (Web Application Template in VS 2015) via IIS.

I have followed the instructions from the docs here eg set

  •  逝去的感伤
    2021-02-20 15:32

    This is a generic error for when IIS can't find the specified .NET Core components ,and doesn't know where to forward requests. In addition to following the official IIS publishing guide, make sure you have:

    • Installed the correct versions from the download page for latest .NET Core releases
    • Specified the correct library versions (explicitly or with wildcards) in your project.json
    • Included a web.config file (preferably using the publish-iis tool), and that the key values have been replaced with local values (source, with examples)

    I ran into this while setting up a Core 1.0.0 (final) website on a new Windows 2008 Server. Turns out I had mixed up some of the installers from my dev machine with newer versions, and had mismatched library versions (RC2 vs final). Reinstalling the Server Hosting package fixed the problem.

    The key to troubleshooting was to get into the console and use the dotnet commands (and resulting error messages) to iterate until I had my site running from the console, since the IIS error page in the browser was useless. I also found some benefit in a few entries in the system Error logs, but not much.
