TCL vs Lua - scripting a mmo server

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佛祖请我去吃肉 2021-02-20 14:09

I have a c++ server side project that I need to embed some sort of scripting into. It is part of an online MMO type of server. I have significant experience using TCL, and it se

  •  天命终不由人
    2021-02-20 14:42

    Lua has LuaJIT, which is a JIT compiler that reaches C speeds on tight loops and is used for projects like Snabb Switch, where performance is critical (Snabb can handle gigabits per second, all processed through LuaJIT). LuaJIT also has an easy-to-use FFI which allows one to access C functions without writing C stub code.

    PUC-Lua (the standard implementation) supports recovering from running out of memory. Neither LuaJIT nor TCL do.
