Practical difference between def f(x: Int) = x+1 and val f = (x: Int) => x+1 in Scala

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清酒与你 2021-02-20 14:19

I\'m new to Scala and I\'m having a problem understanding this. Why are there two syntaxes for the same concept, and none of them more efficient or shorter at that (merely from

  •  梦毁少年i
    2021-02-20 14:39

    As an extension to Ionut's first point, it may be worth taking a quick look at

    From my understanding, an instance of a function as you described (ie. val f = (x: Int) => x + 1) extends the Function1 class. The implications of this are that an instance of a function consumes more memory than defining a method. Methods are innate to the JVM, hence they can be determined at compile time. The obvious cost of a Function is its memory consumption, but with it come added benefits such as composition with other Function objects.

    If I understand correctly, the reason defs and lambdas can work together is because the Function class has a self-type (T1) ⇒ R which is implied by its apply() method (At least I THINK that's what going on, please correct me if I'm wrong). This is all just my own speculation, however. There's certain to be some extra compiler magic taking place underneath to allow method and function interoperability.
