WCF per connection server certificate validation

前端 未结 7 2743
清歌不尽 2021-02-20 13:50

I\'m trying to bypass https certificate validation only to our own testing environment (multiple machines), while trying to keep certificate validation for all the other connect

  •  暗喜
    暗喜 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 14:23

    I'd like to propose you a more "kosher" way to do it (from the point of information security):

    1. Create a self-signed unique certificate for your developer machine
    2. Add this certificate to "Trusted root" certificate store on your test service instance
    3. Add the certificate to application's allowed list (if it exists)

    This will allow you to work with your service without creating "backdoors" in code. This also will allow you to limit test access to test environment only while having same code both on Test and Prod instances.
