gulp.dest not creating destination folder

前端 未结 1 928
星月不相逢 2021-02-20 13:37

My gulp code looks like this, in part

gulp.src([\'../application-base/**/**.js\', \'!../application-base/assets/**/**.js\'], { base: \'./\' })

  •  爱一瞬间的悲伤
    2021-02-20 13:58

    In gulp streams the destination path of a file follows this pseudo-equation:

    gulp.dest + (gulp.src without leading base) = dest path of file


    gulp.src('src/js/foo.js', {base:'src/'}).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/'));


    'dist/' + ('src/js/foo.js' without leading 'src/') = 'dist/js/foo.js'

    In your case:

    '../application-base-transpiled/' + ('../application-base/foo/bar.js' without leading './') = '../application-base-transpiled/../application-base/foo/bar.js'

    So your files end up in the original directory.

    You have to pass {base: '../application-base/'} to gulp.src() to make your example work.


    You still need to include '../application-base/' in your src path. The purpose of base is to manipulate the dest path, per my equation above; it does not serve the purpose of lessening the number of keystrokes you type in gulp.src. So the end result should be something like this

    gulp.src(['../application-base/**/**.js'], { base: '../application-base' })
                errorHandler: function errorHandler(error) {
                    console.log('\nError ' + error);
            .pipe(gprint(filePath => "Transpiling: " + filePath.replace('..\\application-base\\', '')))
            .pipe(babel({ compact: false }))
            .on('end', () => done());

    If you don't pass a base option to gulp.src() a default is set:

    Default: everything before a glob starts (see glob2base)

    What this means is that everything up to the first ** or * in the pattern that you pass to gulp.src() is used as the base option. Since your pattern is ../application-base/**/**.js, your base option automatically becomes ../application-base/.

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