Deleting specific control characters(\n \r \t) from a string

后端 未结 6 2067
再見小時候 2021-02-20 11:34

I have quite large amount of text which include control charachters like \\n \\t and \\r. I need to replace them with a simple space--> \" \". What is the fastest way to do this

  •  傲寒
    傲寒 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 11:55

    If you want to normalise whitespace (replace runs of one or more whitespace characters by a single space, and strip leading and trailing whitespace) this can be accomplished by using string methods:

    >>> text = '   foo\tbar\r\nFred  Nurke\t Joe Smith\n\n'
    >>> ' '.join(text.split())
    'foo bar Fred Nurke Joe Smith'
