Icesfaces vs Myfaces vs Primefaces

前端 未结 4 2448
别那么骄傲 2021-02-20 11:03

I am starting out a new project that involves the use of JSF 2.0. From my initial reading, the Mojarra and Apache Implementation of the project covers the basic components that

  •  醉酒成梦
    2021-02-20 11:54

    The speed of development is very fast in this area, and any article gets outdated quickly. I used Primefaces for a new project almost a year ago, because at that time it was the only one that was fully compatible with JSF 2 (both Icefacves and Richfaces have had JSF 2 compatible releases in the meantime).

    Primefaces has a lot of powerful components that automatically use AJAX, and even more were added in version 3. Unfortunately this focus on new features led to a lot of bugs, but the developers said they would focus on bugfixing after release 3; I can't say anything about the current status since I left the project after 3 months.
