AWS Cloudformation parameter dependency

后端 未结 3 1028
天命终不由人 2021-02-20 10:53

I\'m trying to do the following:

\"Parameters\": {
    \"InterfaceMode\" : {
        \"Description\": \"Configure instance to run in onearm or inline mode\",

  •  南旧
    南旧 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 11:37

    I've been looking for this type of conditional parameter as well and as far as I can tell it doesn't exist. The closest you can come is an AWS Condition.

    This will allow you to define conditions that evaluate to true or false based on input parameters that you can then use along with Fn:If statements to inject different values into resources.

    So for your above scenario you may want to default the value to a known subnet id, but use Conditions to ignore this value if not needed. Unfortunately this falls a bit short if you are trying to use the same CloudFormation template across different VPCs as the default subnet wouldn't exist.
