How to plot Pandas datetime series in Seaborn distplot?

后端 未结 2 1880
[愿得一人] 2021-02-20 10:45

I have a pandas dataframe with a datetime column. I would like to plot the distribution of the rows according to that date column, but I\'m currenty getting an unhelpful error.

  •  执笔经年
    2021-02-20 11:44

    You could convert the dates to Categorical type, and plot the resulting codes (which are integers). Then, label the x-ticks with the Date (as category).

    import pandas as pd
    import seaborn as sns
    original_dates = [
        "2016-03-05", "2016-03-05", "2016-02-05",
        "2016-02-05", "2016-02-05", "2014-03-05"]
    dates_list = pd.to_datetime(original_dates)
    df = pd.DataFrame({"Date": dates_list})
    df['date-as-cat'] = df['Date'].astype('category')  # new 
    df['codes'] = df['date-as-cat']          # new 
            Date date-as-cat  codes
    0 2016-03-05  2016-03-05      2
    1 2016-03-05  2016-03-05      2
    2 2016-02-05  2016-02-05      1
    3 2016-02-05  2016-02-05      1
    4 2016-02-05  2016-02-05      1
    5 2014-03-05  2014-03-05      0
    Date           datetime64[ns]
    date-as-cat          category
    codes                    int8
    dtype: object 

    The date-as-code and date-as-category info is obtained like this:

    x = df[['codes', 'date-as-cat']].drop_duplicates().sort_values('codes')
       codes date-as-cat
    5      0  2014-03-05
    2      1  2016-02-05
    0      2  2016-03-05
