Java tool for testing private methods?

前端 未结 5 2003
忘了有多久 2021-02-20 10:32

There are different opinions on the meaningfulness of testing of private methods, e.g., here and here. I personally think it makes sense, the question is how to do it properly.

  •  滥情空心
    2021-02-20 11:17

    I worked on a project a few years back that generated classes to make it easier to unit test private methods.

    It generated extra classes that made it easier than calling reflection, e.g. if you had MyClass.myPrivateMethod() it would generate a _MyClass class that would allow invocation of myPrivateMethod directly.

    It was never really finished and was kind of useful for a few cases, but overall I wouldn't recommend testing private methods unless absolutely necessary. Usually redesigning them into utility classes (with package access if you're worried about users using them) is a better option.
