SQLite net PCL - Simple select

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遇见更好的自我 2021-02-20 09:40

I use SQLite from windows app and now I am developing in Xamarin a portable app so I am using the plugin sqlite net pcl and I am having great trouble to understand how it works.

  •  忘了有多久
    2021-02-20 10:34

    The accepted answer doesn't really help if you have a custom mapping for the tables name. The "Sql" table name can be found at runtime accessing to the type mapping.

    Here an extension method

    public static class NativeConnectionExtension
        public static List SelectAllFrom(this SQLiteConnection cnn) where T : new()
            var mapping = cnn.GetMapping();
            var result = cnn.Query(String.Format("select * from {0};", mapping.TableName));
            return result;
