Fluent NHibernate N+1 issue with complex objects

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I\'m having a problem with NHibernate querying the database way too many times. I just realized it likely relates to the n+1 problem but I can\'t figure out how to change my map

  •  你的背包
    2021-02-20 08:58

    You can specify fetch paths in the query. For example, this fetch path can tell the query to eagerly join product and main objects, as well as an imaginary association on the collection of clients:

    public IQueryable ReadAll(DateTime since)
        return m_session.QueryOver()
           .JoinQueryOver(r => r.Mail)
           .Where(m => m.Received >= since)
           .Fetch(x => x.Product).Eager
           .Fetch(x => x.Mail).Eager
           .Fetch(x => x.ReadBy.First().SomeProp).Eager

    If you want that always to happen, try using .Fetch.Join() instead of .Not.LazyLoad() for the assocations. But I would not recommend that because it can cause simple queries to become huge. Batching or subqueries can help too.
