How to check if $compile has been completed?

后端 未结 2 1965
梦毁少年i 2021-02-20 07:24

I am writing a function that can create an email template from a HTML template and some information that is given. For this I am using the $compile function of Angu

  •  挽巷
    挽巷 (楼主)
    2021-02-20 07:37

    I think you get stuck by chain the promise and compile event. I followed the serial of your questions and this maybe what you are looking for, the compiled template string with recursive ng-include.

    First, we need to define ourself the function to detect when the compile is completed, there are couple ways to achieve that, but the duration checking is my best bet.

    // pass searchNode, this will search the children node by elementPath, 
    // for every 0.5s, it will do the search again until find the element
    function waitUntilElementLoaded(searchNode, elementPath, callBack){
              callBack(elementPath, $(elementPath));
            waitUntilElementLoaded(searchNode, elementPath, callBack);

    In below example, directive-one is the container element to wrap up all of the output template that I need, so you could change it to what-ever element that you like. By using $q of Angular, I will expose the promise function to capture the output template since it works async.

    $scope.getOutput = function(templatePath){
      var deferred = $q.defer();
          var templateString =;
          var result = $compile(templateString)($scope) 
         waitUntilElementLoaded($(result), 'directive-one', function() {
           var compiledStr = $(result).find('directive-one').eq(0).html();
      return deferred.promise;
      // usage

    TL;DR; My Demo plunker

    In extra, if you are using the TypeScript 2.1, you could use async/await to make the code looks more cleaner instead of using callback. It would be something like

    var myOutput = await $scope.getOutput('template-path')
