When you have a big POJO with loads of variables (Booleans, Int, Strings) and you want to use the new Work Manager to start a job. You then create a Data file which gets added t
First you need to know that the value holder for data is private val mValues which you can not exactly work with to add parcelable to the data but there is a workaround to make the process at least less tedious
val Data.parcelables by lazy {
fun Data.putParcelable(key:String, parcelable:Parcelable) : Data{
parcelables[key] = parcelable
// to allow for chaining
return this
// in order to get value in the Work class created Wrok.doWork method
fun Data.getParcelable(key:String): Parcelable? = parcelables[key]
// build process
/// you can not add putParcelable to Builder class either since mValues in the builder is also private and Builder.build() return Data(mValues)
val data = Data.Builder()
val request = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder().setInputData(data).build()