Valid methods in being highlighted in red 'Unresolved Reference'

前端 未结 4 1929
时光取名叫无心 2021-02-20 06:39

How to solve this problem? The program works. But the methods in Gogland are highlighted in red. Qt version 5.8 is added.

Gogland (1.0 Preview) 1.0 EAP
Build #GO         

  •  旧时难觅i
    2021-02-20 06:48

    The methods are defined in a big generated file that is not indexed by Gogland. To change the limit you should change idea.max.intellisense.filesize.

    To do this, open custom properties file via Help | Edit Custom Properties menu and add something like this: idea.max.intellisense.filesize=4500 for 4.5 MB limit. The size is in Kilobytes.

    Please use carefully, indexing large files may influence index update speed dramatically.
