How can i disable the automatic index creation in elasticsearch?

前端 未结 3 864
情书的邮戳 2021-02-20 06:28

I need to disable automatic index creation for an index but need to permit for another one. How can I disable the automatic index creation by elasticsearch for a particular inde

  •  Happy的楠姐
    2021-02-20 06:47

    I received an error on elastic search node startup saying it couldn't create a ".monitoring" index. Elastic search has some bookkeeping indices it uses that rely on auto-creation, so I needed to enable all indices that start with . If you define the environment variable on first start up then the following setting will allow any internal . indices to be created but will disable auto-creating any others:

     action.auto_create_index: "+.*"

    Here the ".*" is not treated as a dotall regex so it will only match allowing creating indices that start with a literal "."
