Angular 2 Global Constants Provider Injector Method

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谎友^ 2021-02-20 05:36

I have a global constants like root directory that I want every component to have access to. In another stackoverflow question the answer was to create a constants class and imp

  •  日久生厌
    2021-02-20 05:58

    To answer your questions:

    • All components using the Constants class will need to import your constants file.

    • In order to use the Constants class you need to inject it into the constructor of any consuming components, removing the injector.get() function from random.component.ts like so:

    export class App {
      constructor(constants: Constants) {
        this.url = constants.root_dir;

    You may also decorate your constant class as an @Injectable and @Inject it into the constructor of your component.

    Here is a working plunker.

    It is beneficial to bootstrap the shared constants at the app level so that only one instance of the class is created and shared among all components.
