Problems with “Aggregate downstream test results” in Hudson

前端 未结 4 1591
礼貌的吻别 2021-02-20 04:35

My Hudson projects don\'t seem to properly aggregate downstream test results and I\'m wondering if I\'ve missed a configuration step somewhere. I have two projects, Foo and Foo-

  •  执笔经年
    2021-02-20 05:33

    the two projects, Foo and Foo-Test, have to know they're on the same stream, so it takes fingerprints (and therefore archiving) of a common file.

    i had to pick a file that didn't change between the running of Foo and Foo-Test, and still changed between times they are both run. for me that was an unrelated, temporary .jar generated by Foo in the custom/common workspace for my versions of Foo and Foo-Test.

    i.e., i had to let both Foo and Foo-Test fingerprint the same file.

    after that, at least with hudson 1.330, things work - aggregated links, drilldown, etc.
