Getting input into Netwire programs

后端 未结 2 2212
长情又很酷 2021-02-20 04:37

I\'m getting started with Netwire version 5.

I have no problem writing all the wires I want to transform my inputs into my outputs.

Now the time has come to writ

  •  不要未来只要你来
    2021-02-20 05:28

    The simplest way to put data into a Wire s e m a b is via the input a. It's possible, through the use of WPure or WGen to get data out of the state delta s or the underlying Monad m, but these take us further away from the main abstractions. The main abstractions are Arrow and Category, which only know about a b, and not about s e m.

    Here's an example of a very simple program, providing input as the input a. double is the outermost wire of the program. repl is a small read-eval-print loop that calls stepWire to run the wire.

    import FRP.Netwire
    import Control.Wire.Core
    import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
    double :: Arrow a => a [x] [x]
    double = arr (\xs -> xs ++ xs)
    repl :: Wire (Timed Int ()) e IO String String -> IO ()
    repl w = do
        a <- getLine
        (eb, w') <- stepWire w (Timed 1 ()) (Right a)
        putStrLn . either (const "Inhibited") id $ eb
        repl w'
    main = repl double

    Notice that we pass in the time difference to stepWire, not the total elapsed time. We can check that this is the correct thing to do by running a different top-level wire.

    timeString :: (HasTime t s, Show t, Monad m) => Wire s e m a String
    timeString = arr show . time
    main = repl timeString 

    Which has the desired output:

