Android Studio - AVD Manager is not visible

后端 未结 6 1096
心在旅途 2021-02-20 04:42

I have installed Android Studio 2.3.2 and The AVD Manager (which should be under the tools menu is not visible).

Is there any way that i could make it a

  •  孤独总比滥情好
    2021-02-20 05:12

    I had the same problem that the AVD Manager didn't show up after I installed Android Studio 3.0.1. and I could not run my Ionic app in the emulator. After hours of researching this answer finally helped:

    1. Start a blank project
    2. Android Studio complained that certain SDK tools are missing and offers you to install them
    3. After all tools where installed by Android Studio, I could finally create a virtual device via the AVD Manager.

    I guess that may help Windows and Mac users.
