Windows could not start the RabbitMQ Service on local Computer

后端 未结 3 2102
南方客 2021-02-20 03:48

I am trying to start RabbitMQ service on my local Windows laptop but I keep getting this error:

I first downloaded erlang (OTP 19.0 Windows 64-bit Binary File)

  •  逝去的感伤
    2021-02-20 04:36

    I think I had the same problem which lies in the error

    The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

    ... and that maybe when erlang was installed it for some reason is sets the HOMEDRIVE to u: or something silly.

    From the command line run:


    Then try to run your rabbitmq-service again. You may have to stop, remove, install, start it again.

    rabbitmq-service stop
    rabbitmq-service remove
    rabbitmq-service install
    rabbitmq-service start

    and please make sure that you have copied the .erlang.cookie from c:\Windows to the root of your user folder ( C:\Users\{user}\ )
