Duplicate value fo resource 'attr/tint'

后端 未结 5 2072
滥情空心 2021-02-20 03:05

I do not know how this error started to happen, I simply closed the android studio yesterday and I turned off the pc, today, I turned on the pc and opened the android studio, th

  •  天涯浪人
    2021-02-20 03:50

    Android studio creates many files that are not part of the normal source code. If you reboot without saving your project things may get whacked out but this could happen for no apparent reason. You have already cleaned your project so it regenerates some of these files. The .metadata file in the root of your workspace can be deleted but you will need to import all projects already in the workspace. I suggest you check the directory structure of your project using something other than android studio and even delete any generated folders as they will rebuild on the next compile. Perhaps even use a new workspace and copy source code over. First thing you should do is backup everything you want to keep as these suggestions could cause disaster if you are not careful. Consider version control, git repositories or github to save your project in the future as you can roll back to a previous state in the future
