Is Firebase now mandatory for use of Google Analytics Mobile Properties?

前端 未结 2 1706
眼角桃花 2021-02-20 02:55

Is Firebase now required for setting up Google Analytics for Mobile? In the past, when I\'ve setup Google Analytics for Mobile, I\'ve selected \"Mobile\" from the Crea

  •  甜味超标
    2021-02-20 03:16

    Re-iterating the steps here from the same document for information to be available in same post:

    1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
    2. Click Admin.
    3. In the PROPERTY column, select Create new property from the dropdown menu.
    4. Select Website.
    5. Provide a Website Name. You may use the name of your app.
    6. Provide a Website URL. You may use your company URL or the URL for your app’s marketing site.
    7. Click Get Tracking ID.
    8. In the VIEW column, select Create new view from the dropdown menu.
    9. Select Mobile app.
    10. Provide a Reporting View Name.
    11. Click Create View
