Asp.Net MVC Unique id per request

前端 未结 3 853
醉梦人生 2021-02-20 00:04

In our MVC 5 site, no session, we need to get/generate a unique ID per request. THhis will be used as an ID for logging all activity in the request.

Is there a way to as

  •  不要未来只要你来
    2021-02-20 00:50

    Here's some extension methods that I created for this purpose:

    public static Guid GetId(this HttpContext ctx) => new HttpContextWrapper(ctx).GetId();
    public static Guid GetId(this HttpContextBase ctx)
        const string key = "tq8OuyxHpDgkRg54klfpqg== (Request Id Key)";
        if (ctx.Items.Contains(key))
            return (Guid) ctx.Items[key];
        var mutex = string.Intern($"{key}:{ctx.GetHashCode()}");
        lock (mutex)
            if (!ctx.Items.Contains(key))
                ctx.Items[key] = Guid.NewGuid();
            return (Guid) ctx.Items[key];


    @Luiso made a comment about interned strings not being garbage collected. This is a good point. In a very busy web app that doesn't recycle app pools frequently enough (or ever) this would be a serious issue.

    Thankfully, recent versions of .NET have ephemeron support via the ConditionalWeakTable class. Which gives a convenient and memory safe way of tackling this problem:

    private static readonly ConditionalWeakTable>
    Ephemerons = new ConditionalWeakTable>();
    public static Guid GetId(this HttpContext ctx) => new HttpContextWrapper(ctx).GetId();
    public static Guid GetId(this HttpContextBase ctx)
        var dict = Ephemerons.GetOrCreateValue(ctx);
        var id = (Guid)dict.GetOrAdd(
            _ => Guid.NewGuid());
        return id;

    My Overby.Extensions.Attachments package has an extension method that simplify things.

    /// Unique identifier for the object reference.
    public static Guid GetReferenceId(this object obj) =>
        obj.GetOrSetAttached(() => Guid.NewGuid(), RefIdKey);

    Using that extension method, you would just call httpContext.GetReferenceId().
