Eclipse + Maven + Git + Multi-Module projects = Unhappiness

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别跟我提以往 2021-02-19 23:21

We\'ve got a multi-module project using Eclipse and Maven. The only way I could get it to work in the past was to use a flat layout for the projects, where the parent module was

  •  温柔的废话
    2021-02-19 23:55

    For Maven projects, multiple imports at once can be achieved via the Maven import wizard (that is accessible from Git). In case you don't know what kind of projects you're about to import, you can use the new Easymport that will import project "as best", by deducing configurations from various files. See

    Once you get all those projects, you can use the Nestor plugin, which will show project in a nested/hierarchical layout, mapping more correctly your Maven project:
