The xdebug extension is not loaded

后端 未结 6 2269
日久生厌 2021-02-19 23:06

I\'ve got xdebug installed fine (showing up in phpinfo()) but I\'m trying to get it to work with PHPUnit\'s code coverage functionality. It keeps telling me \"The XDebug extensi

  •  心在旅途
    2021-02-19 23:13

    You need to create two symlinks:

    1. c:\php is a symlink to your current php folder
    2. c:\windows\php.ini is a symlink to your current php.ini file

    To create a symlink in windows use mklink command


    • mklink /D c:\php c:\path\to\your\php folder makes a symlink to directory
    • mklink c:\windows\php.ini c:\path\to\your\php\php.ini makes a symlink to file

    It seems in windows somehow phpunit doesnt see actual paths and with that symlinks you create virtual default paths for it
