A .NET Unit Test without a parameterless constructor, to facilitate dependency injection

前端 未结 2 1314
逝去的感伤 2021-02-19 22:00

I\'m trying to have the unit tests not rely on calling container.Resolve() for their dependencies.

I\'m currently using AutoFac 2.2.4,

  •  执笔经年
    2021-02-19 22:18

    I just allow my tests to have a dependency on Autofac, although I encapsulate it. All of my TestFixtures inherit from Fixture, which is defined as such:

    public class Fixture
        private static readonly IContainer MainContainer = Ioc.Build();
        private readonly TestLifetime _testLifetime = new TestLifetime(MainContainer);
        public void SetUp()
        public void TearDown()
        protected TService Resolve()
            return _testLifetime.Resolve();
        protected void Override(Action configurationAction)
    public class TestLifetime
        private readonly IContainer _mainContainer;
        private bool _canOverride;
        private ILifetimeScope _testScope;
        public TestLifetime(IContainer mainContainer)
            _mainContainer = mainContainer;
        public void SetUp()
            _testScope = _mainContainer.BeginLifetimeScope();
            _canOverride = true;
        public void TearDown()
            _testScope = null;
        public TService Resolve()
            _canOverride = false;
            return _testScope.Resolve();
        public void Override(Action configurationAction)
            if (!_canOverride)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Override can only be called once per test and must be before any calls to Resolve.");
            _canOverride = false;
            _testScope = _mainContainer.BeginLifetimeScope(configurationAction);
