Android/Java Javadoc missing after updating Android SDK

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一生所求 2021-02-19 21:05

After i recently installed the new Android SDK stuff, I no longer can view the Javadoc while editing my project\'s code. I get this message: Note: This element has no att

  •  天涯浪人
    2021-02-19 21:23

    My Problem was that I couldn't see javadoc also for other libraries though path's validating was ok.

    Unfortunately solution of cjserio didn't help. I didn't want take binnyb's solution.

    According to answer from Jockel I looked at Android SDK location and saw that the path was "C:\Progra~1\Android\android-sdk" instead of "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk".

    Though it's correct way but after relocation I'v got "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk" as the location path and could see all javadocs again also after restart of Eclipse

    UPD But then I get the next problem. I couldn't start simulator anymore because plugin couldn't understand path anymore. This issue was caused by space in "Program Files".

    But i've a solution for this problem as well

    Working fine for me
