Best way to find out if IEnumerable<> has unique values

前端 未结 7 2028
轻奢々 2021-02-19 20:00

I have a lot of code in which I do something like this

bool GetIsUnique(IEnumerable values)
    return values.Count() == values.Distinct().Count;

  •  醉话见心
    2021-02-19 20:49

    You would be doing two loops through the data for the above - once to get the count, once to get the distinct count. Especially bad if the first two items are identical! Try something like this:

    bool GetIsUnique(IEnumerable values)
        HashSet hashSet = new HashSet();
        foreach(var value in values)
            if (hashSet.Contains(value))
                return false;
        return true;

    This one will finish as soon as it finds a duplicate. Obviously it on the speed of the hash lookup but given Distinct uses a set internally I'd still expect it to be quicker.
