Suggestions for maintaining Visual Studio vcproj project files in version control

后端 未结 6 2083
迷失自我 2021-02-19 19:00

Microsoft Visual Studio uses XML to save its .vcproj project files. So diffing XML project files should be easily.

Unfortunately, if you change any

  •  孤独总比滥情好
    2021-02-19 19:23

    We are seeing this here at work now, with project files where the configurations are reordered on several peoples computers, and it is very frustrating...

    *Note: We all use VS 2008 Pro, not Team

    At first it looks like they are randomly reordered, but there is in fact a pattern and it is not random at all.

    For one group the configurations are ordered by Platform, then by Config:

    • Debug|Win32
    • Debug|x64
    • Release|Win32
    • Release|x64
    • Debug DX11|Win32
    • Debug DX11|x64
    • Release DX11|Win32
    • Release DX11|x64
    • ...

    For the other group the configurations are ordered by Config, then by Platform:

    • Debug|Win32
    • Release|Win32
    • Debug DX11|Win32
    • Release DX11|Win32
    • Debug|x64
    • Release|x64
    • Debug DX11|x64
    • Release DX11|x64
    • ...

    Looking through perforce history, this is consistent with multiple projects submitted by the same sets of people, and there is about a 50/50 split, so it is not just happening for one person.

    Is this the same issue that you are all seeing? If so, I hope this pattern helps find a solution that does not involve a macro/extra diff step...

    It has to be a setting somewhere, or a side effect of clicking something, since it is 100% reproducible per each of these machines. Even if it is something silly like which option you choose for your initial environment layout (VC++, VB, General Development, ect...)
