Extending an object with multiple properties in JavaScript

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清酒与你 2021-02-19 16:39

I have a global JavaScript object with multiple properties and functions that I am creating it this way:

myObject = {};

I thought that I can ea

  •  我寻月下人不归
    2021-02-19 17:00

    Without jQuery, you could create an array of objects with something like this:

    [{'key': 'atuhoetu', 'value': 'uehtnehatn'},{...}]

    If you don't care about compatibility, recent browsers should support this:

    var newObj = {prop1: 'val', prop2: 'val'};
    Object.keys(newObj).forEach(function (item) {
        myObject[item] = newObj[item];

    This will iterate over all items in newObject and add them to myObj.
