Check for multiple values when using comparison operators

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I\'ve always been under the impression that for any comparison statement, i.e. X == Y or X != Y is the format, and you chain statements together with <

  •  Happy的楠姐
    2021-02-19 16:43

    With operator overloading, you might be able to get the exact syntax that you want. But, as Adam points out, that could lead to excluding valid expressions.

    Below is a template with operator overloading, a template function, and a macro to achieve a syntax similar to Mooing Duck's nicer solution, but without requiring C++11, and allowing the use of the || operator to denote the "haystack" collection.

    struct MultiOrComparable {
        mutable std::set vals;
        const MultiOrComparable & operator || (T v) const {
            vals.insert(v); return *this;
        bool operator == (T v) const { return vals.find(v) != vals.end(); }
    MultiOrComparable MultiOrComparableStart (T) {
        return MultiOrComparable();
    #define IsOneOf(x, y) ((MultiOrComparableStart(x)||y) == x)

    Then, the following program "works":

    enum Foo { A, B, C, D };
    main ()
        if (!IsOneOf(A, B || C || D)) {
            std::cout << "!=" << std::endl;
        if (IsOneOf('a', 'x' || 'y' || 'z' || 'a')) {
            std::cout << "==" << std::endl;
