error with JRMP connection establishment

后端 未结 3 1489
情歌与酒 2021-02-19 15:57

I am getting following exception trace :

java.rmi.ConnectIOException: error during JRMP connection establishment; nested exception is:         

  •  天涯浪人
    2021-02-19 16:24

    I have the same error at client side. Server is reachable and I can open the port via telnet. When I watched into it with Wireshark on client and server side I see the following:

    • TCP connection is established

      • SYN
      • SYN, ACK
      • ACK
    • Client sends: JRMI, Version 2, Stream Protocol

    • Server reply: JRMI, ProtocolAck - But this package never reached client side

    In my case it it's the connection from MagicDraw client to license server. For other colleages at other locations it helps to use the proxy: http.proxyHost=xxxx -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 and the client communicats via HTTP. So maybe this could help you to ommit this issue.

    I can not be specific as I don't have access to the source code of Magic Draw.
