SQL: Return only first occurrence

前端 未结 5 1754
慢半拍i 2021-02-19 11:24

I seldomly use SQL and I cannot find anything similar in my archive so I\'m asking this simple query question: I need a query which one returns personID and onl

  •  不要未来只要你来
    2021-02-19 12:19

    If your seenTime increases as seenID increases:

    select personID, min(seenTime) as seenTime
    from personAttendances
    group by personID

    Update for another case:

    If this is not the case, and you really want the seenTime that corresponds with the minimum seenID (assuming seenID is unique):

    select a.personID, a.seenTime
    from personAttendances as a
        join (
            -- Get the min seenID for each personID
            select personID, min(seenID) as seenID
            from personAttendances
            group by personID
        ) as b on a.personID = b.personID
    where a.seenID = b.seenID
