VBScript conditional short-circuiting workaround

后端 未结 9 1977
心在旅途 2021-02-19 05:15

I have a large classic ASP app that I have to maintain, and I repeatedly find myself thwarted by the lack of short-circuit evaluation capability. E.g., VBScript won\'t let you

  •  迷失自我
    2021-02-19 05:42

    You may be able to just use Else to catch nulls, ""s, etc.

    If UCase(Rs("myField")) = "THING" then
      'Do Things
    elseif UCase(Rs("myField")) = "STUFF" then
      'Do Other Stuff
      'Invalid data, such as a NULL, "", etc.
      'Throw an error, do nothing, or default action
    End If

    I've tested this in my code and it's currently working. Might not be right for everyone's situation though.
