Why is SQL Server backup so much larger than the DB files?

后端 未结 2 735
灰色年华 2021-02-18 20:12

I have a SQL Server DB that is about 13Gb with a 1.6Gb log file. When I back it up, however, it creates a 50Gb .bak file! Why is that?

I have read some commentary here

  •  醉话见心
    2021-02-18 21:11

    It might be because the backup routine is appending the new backup to the same file?

    There is an option in the Backup dialog in Sql Management Studio to Append or Overwrite all existing backup sets. If you have Append if will add the backup to the same .bak file and the .bak file will be larger for every backup.

    In Transact Sql it is the INIT and NOINIT option which determine if the bak file is overwritten or appended.
