Constructor Injection - Do we inject factories as well?

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猫巷女王i 2021-02-15 07:12

After listening to the Clean Code Talks, I came to understand that we should use factories to compose objects. So, for example, if a House has a Door a

  •  小蘑菇
    小蘑菇 (楼主)
    2021-02-15 07:32

    Staying with the Door and DoorKnob example, you don't inject a factory - you inject the DooKnob itself:

    public class Door
        private readonly DoorKnob doorKnob;
        public Door(DoorKnob doorKnob)
            if (doorKnob == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("doorKnob");
            this.doorKnob = doorKnob;

    No factories are in sight in this level.

    House, on the other hand, depends on Door, but not on DoorKnob:

    public class House
        private readonly Door door;
        public House(Door door)
            if (door == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("door");
            this.door = door;

    This keeps options open until at last you have to compose everything in the application's Composition Root:

    var house = new House(new Door(new DoorKnob()));

    You can use a DI Container to compose at this level, but you don't have to. No factories are involved.
