Simple debugging in Haskell

 ̄綄美尐妖づ 提交于 2019-12-20 20:38:37


I am new to Haskell. Previously I have programmed in Python and Java. When I am debugging some code I have a habit of littering it with print statements in the middle of code. However doing so in Haskell will change semantics, and I will have to change my function signatures to those with IO stuff. How do Haskellers deal with this? I might be missing something obvious. Please enlighten.


Read this. You can use Debug.Trace.trace in place of print statements.


I was able to create a dual personality IO / ST monad typeclass, which will print debug statements when a monadic computation is typed as IO, them when it's typed as ST. Demonstration and code here: Haskell -- dual personality IO / ST monad? .

Of course Debug.Trace is more of a swiss army knife, especially when wrapped with a useful special case,

trace2 :: Show a => [Char] -> a -> a
trace2 name x = trace (name ++ ": " ++ show x) x

which can be used like (trace2 "first arg" 3) + 4


You can make this even fancier if you want source locations

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
import Debug.Trace

withLocation :: Q Exp -> Q Exp
withLocation f = do
    let error = locationString =<< location
    appE f error
        locationString :: Loc -> Q Exp
        locationString loc = do
            litE $ stringL $ formatLoc loc

formatLoc :: Loc -> String
formatLoc loc = let file = loc_filename loc
                    (line, col) = loc_start loc
                in concat [file, ":", show line, ":", show col]

trace3' (loc :: String) msg x =
    trace2 ('[' : loc ++ "] " ++ msg) x
trace3 = withLocation [| trace3' |]

then, in a separate file [from the definition above], you can write

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
tr3 x = $trace3 "hello" x

and test it out

> tr3 4
[MyFile.hs:2:9] hello: 4


You can use Debug.Trace for that.


I really liked Dons short blog about it:

In short: use ghci, example with a program with code called HsColour.hs

 $ ghci HsColour.hs
    *Main> :set -fbreak-on-exception
    *Main> :set args "source.hs"

Now run your program with tracing on, and GHCi will stop your program at the call to error:

 *Main> :trace main
    Stopped at (exception thrown)

Ok, good. We had an exception… Let’s just back up a bit and see where we are. Watch now as we travel backwards in time through our program, using the (bizarre, I know) “:back” command:

  [(exception thrown)] *Main> :back
    Logged breakpoint at Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs:(19,0)-(31,46)
    _result :: [String]

This tells us that immediately before hitting error, we were in the file Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs, at line 19. We’re in pretty good shape now. Let’s see where exactly:

 [-1: Language/Haskell/HsColour/Classify.hs:(19,0)-(31,46)] *Main> :list
    18  chunk :: String -> [String]
    19  chunk []    = head []
    20  chunk ('\r':s) = chunk s -- get rid of DOS newline stuff
    21  chunk ('\n':s) = "\n": chunk s

